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Assisted Living

Knowing individuals, understanding what they need and helping them in ways that allow them to be engaged in life and with family and friends – that’s our assisted living philosophy. At Artēgan you’ll find communities within each community; airplane pilots, school teachers, artists, doctors, animal lovers, gardeners and lovers of life. While they share experiences and memories, each has unique needs for assistance with some aspect of assisted living.

Most of our communities offer Assisted Living options. Each community is designed with comfort in mind whether it’s the spacious lobby, cozy library or individual apartment. It feels like home inside. Outside, our communities are located in quiet settings with gardens close at hand. And part of the joy of being a community is joining together for all the activities including social and educational events.

Assisted living is a good option for those who need help with daily living.

  • Navigating stairs is becoming a challenge.
  • Home maintenance is no longer manageable.
  • Even with family and friends nearby most of your time is spent alone.
  • You don’t exercise regularly.
  • Sometimes you forget to eat meals.
  • Cooking for one is too much trouble.
  • Sometimes you forget to take your medications.
  • You no longer have or enjoy hobbies or regular activities.
  • You don’t drive any more and don’t like asking others for transportation.
  • If there were a fire or other emergency you don’t have an escape plan you could mange on your own.
  • You’re not comfortable hiring strangers to come into your home to provide services.
  • You’re no longer able to care for a loved one by yourself.

Most of our communities offer Assisted Living:

Contact Us Today

Artēgan Home Office: 15640 NE Fourth Plain Blvd, Ste 106, #437
Vancouver, WA 98682
Phone: (360) 449-4524